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Identifying characteristics of a Ghibli film

Ghibli produces anime that are very different from the anime itself. So what is the way to identify a movie of this studio? 

The art of bringing life to picture frames

Since its founding on May 16, 1985, Ghibli - the name that speaks to the studio's mission to bring the studio's ceaseless creative wind to the anime industry - has repeatedly succeeded in securing anime under the brand name. of the studio always has a place in people's hearts. It's not an easy feat when the anime whirlwind is traveling across borders. However, having the creative advantage is a weapon of great power. In the case of Studio Ghibli, when it comes to the line of sketching and computer-generated films, nowhere does animation like Japan and no one does animation like Ghibli.

In every way, Ghibli is a separate and unique universe with souls more complicated than the idea of ​​“…and they live happily ever after”. The three pillars that make up this universe are image techniques, character shaping and content associated with the spirit of realism hidden in surrealism. Sound complicated? But I bet you've noticed this if you've watched Ghibli's films over and over again so far.

=>> See more: Howl’s Moving Castle | Can Sophie’s Curse be broken ?

"Real" stories through drawings

The drawing of anime and manga is not a strange thing to the international cinema. According to development history, Western and Eastern animated films have long absorbed many of the characteristics of Japanese animation, such as the Avatar: The Last Airbender series of Nickelodeon station. Therefore, Ghibli established a unique identity-affirming style to become instantly recognizable, even compared to anime series from their own cherry blossom country: World - building. This is not simply a landscape construction, but a way to breathe life into motionless scenes.

Putting projects like Your Name (2016), The Garden of Words (2013), or A Silent Voice (2016) and Ghibli films on the scale, This ethos of the studio is more evident than ever. In addition to modern contrasts with the classic between the two, this studio has a strong love for round things and an obsession with detail, and embraces an uncompromising perspective on the complex world but loves to show off. that under the innocent eyes of children.

Without relying on the use of 3D techniques, Ghibli's 2D frames come to life through motion, movement of things, and movement of people. It's how Sophie's hair (Howl's Moving Castle) blows in the wind, the train moves across the water, leaving ripples behind, the train sucks up resources on the seabed (Ponyo merch (2008)), one step away airplanes hover in the sky, the walking of giant bugs in Nausicaa of the Valley of The Wind (1984)… Ghibli creates a series of dynamic and highly realistic movements with logic and principles of physics , instead of exaggerating some details – a method so loved by current anime artists.

The frames also come to life through segments of easily overlooked activities in people's daily lives, such as changing clothes, putting on shoes, women doing housework in Princess Mononoke – habits that have somewhat less attractive than the usual big-eared action sequences. But they are the details that give life to Ghibli's world. Take Spirited Away (2001) as an example. The film spends quite a bit of time on these routine activities, most notably the scene where Yubaba's servants prepare the bathroom for a working day. That proves that no matter how much a fantasy or mystical breath in Ghibli's story is, in every nook and cranny, people can still find a thread that connects a fictional world with the real world.

The graphics are eye-catching and the script is easy to understand, but it contains many life lessons.

But no matter how beautiful the frames are, if they don't have a soul, it's no different from the fun of drawing pictures, then cornering and turning pages for fun. And this is where stories show Ghibli's monumental value.

The studio knows how to weave ostensibly pure and simple stories around complex and sometimes overwhelming themes. The talent here is that they never make the viewer aware of it until you accidentally re-watch the movie on a memorable day. It's a superb deception built from eye-catching graphics and an easy-to-understand script.

You know the famous saying that is passed down among parents! That animation is just for kids. Studio Ghibli Merch is an exception (Facebook will vouch for this). At any age, the world of flying castles, extraordinary planes or the land of the gods still brings different levels of emotions and perspectives every time it is turned on, no matter how many times. .


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