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Why does Sophie keep changing age ? | Howl's Moving Castle


Sophie's Soul and Curse.

In the movie Howl's Moving Castle, Sophie before being cursed by the Witch of the Dead Land into an old woman, she was an ordinary and bland girl. Contrasting with the colorful room of handmade hats for energetic, energetic girls in their twenties is a Sophie, a quiet Sophie, wearing a pale blue dress and a cap mediocre though she could have made her own and opted for a better hat than that. Sophie now has a low self-esteem, she is self-deprecating about her beauty, while her sister and mother are beautiful and gorgeous, pursued by many men, and she is just calm, hanging around with his job as a craftsman making his hat in a cramped room. She is stuck with a boring life,

Why does Sophie keep changing age ?

But what if she was cursed and turned into one and he was slow? Interestingly, it seems that the curse turns her into someone of an age appropriate to the soul. We can see that she grieve but also accepts it and is suddenly more comfortable with her new form. She even felt lucky that the dress still fit her without complaining at all. That's because when she becomes an old woman, she will no longer have to worry and be self-deprecating about her appearance, not afraid that she will look ugly in the mirror or someone will judge her. Because Sophie was already an old woman, old age, Sophie used to call it, made it possible for her to unburden her burden and become what she most wanted. Because when she is old, she will have more time to herself, drinking afternoon tea watching the sunset, the silence that we rarely enjoy when we are young. But the important thing, she accepted it, accepted her old appearance to nurture a very young soul. She faced it, didn't run away, because of course, the things that made her self-deprecating were already herself, there was nothing to run away from but to start facing it, fighting it. , to live, to enjoy afternoons on the windy steppe.

You will probably be confused because of what I just wrote, is it relevant, what is the purpose of this article?
When I think of Sophie, I think of the inferiority complex that probably everyone has thought and felt. That inferiority in appearance, living standards, work... I myself once compared myself to an ugly duckling among the swans, unable to fly but yearning for the sky above. Everyone has a part of their heart like that, and it will make your soul grow old every day like Sophie. 
So what to do now?
There will be people who will tell you, be confident, get rid of those unreasonable insecurities, get up and change yourself, don't lie still and lament... that sounds reasonable, doesn't it? because every problem is my fault, it's all my own exaggeration. But those words to me also sound very formal, but too cliché. Know how to change? What is self-confidence? It's like forcing a 1-year-old toddler to run. Knowing that the child must eventually walk, run on his own two feet, but time is always needed to prepare for a change and a long road ahead.
Still the same old question, what should we do?
To answer that question, you must first understand yourself very well. What makes you self-deprecating, consider it as a fact of yourself. I am, and I am. You're fat, yeah right. You have a lot of acne, yeah, that's it. Your grades are low, your salary is low compared to your friends, yes, that's reality. It's a reality that you have to accept. Is the truth in your heart, your brain. It is strange that the human psyche always creates negative emotions from the reality that describes their nature, just because it does not resemble a certain illusory model and then becomes inferiority and inferiority complex. and force yourself.

So first thing, accept yourself and all your flaws. Like Sophie, accepting her 90-year-old woman form and doing what she wants, although sometimes tired and crying, but never denying her ego.

And the second thing is to change or to face, to fight that truth. You have to know that it is your truth, your reality, not someone else's. And only you yourself can change it, if there is help from outsiders, it is just helping you to expand your awareness from which to accept yourself. Action is up to you, no one will be able to follow you forever, not even your family or your parents. 
There are things in life that you cannot change. It's your situation, your family, the only thing you can do to upgrade yourself is to change yourself.

Many of you will think that "change" sounds too heavy, it is only heavy when you "try" to change something that is too out of your reach at the moment and then become "the past". So take a deep breath, slowly change little by little. Start with what you do every day. Happiness sometimes only comes from the smallest things, and so does change. Put the first brick on your self-improvement journey, and one day you will also build a bigger house. Not everyone is the same, maybe it only takes them 2 weeks to complete their house, and it takes you 2 years. Same destination but different journey, and really people grow through the journey and the destination is just the result of that journey. What matters is what you have experienced.
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